If any tissue protrudes through a weak area in the abdominal muscles, an inguinal hernia develops. There can be a sensation of pain, especially if you bend over, cough or lift a heavy object. Sometimes, life-threatening conditions can arise due to this. Therefore you should go for proper treatment. The doctor recommends hernia surgery in many cases. A common surgical procedure is inguinal hernia repair.
The following are a few symptoms of inguinal hernia:
- On either side of your pubic bone, there is a bulge.
- You have an aching and burning sensation near the bulge.
- You feel pain in your groin.
- You feel a dragging or heavy sensation in your groin.
- You feel pressure or weakness in your groin.
There can be the following causes behind inguinal hernias:
- A weak spot in the abdominal wall
- Increased pressure within the abdomen
- Pregnancy
- Sneezing or coughing
- Strenuous activity
- Straining during urination or bowel movement
Risk factors
The factors mentioned below increase the risk of developing an inguinal hernia.
- Being older
- Family history
- Being male
- Chronic cough
- Chronic constipation
- Pregnancy
- Low weight after birth
- Premature birth
- Any previous case of inguinal hernia
The doctor normally carries out a physical exam to diagnose an inguinal hernia. He/she will check the groin area for a bulge. You may have to be in a standing position and cough as it often makes the bulge more prominent. Sometimes, it may be necessary to undergo an imaging test for proper diagnosis.
You may get relief from the symptoms by wearing a supportive truss in some cases. In children, the doctor may try using manual pressure to reduce the bulge. If there is no other way, you have to undergo inguinal hernia surgery. Open hernia repair and laparoscopic repair are the two types of surgical procedures.
Open hernia repair
You will be administered either local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia for this procedure. The surgeon pushes the bulging tissue back into your abdomen after making an incision in your groin. The surgeon reinforces the weakened area with a synthetic mesh and sews it. With the help of stitches or surgical glue, he/she closes the opening.
You will remain unconscious under the effect of general anaesthesia in laparoscopic hernia surgery. The surgeon makes a number of incisions in the abdomen. He/she inserts tiny instruments for surgery through the incisions. The surgeon also inserts a laparoscope with a tiny camera through an incision. The camera sends detailed images of the area to a monitor situated in the operating room. These images guide the surgeon throughout the whole procedure. The surgeon often uses synthetic mesh to repair the hernia. The numerous benefits of the laparoscopic procedure include:
- You can resume your normal activities within a few days after the surgery.
- There will be fewer scars in this procedure.
- You will have less discomfort and pain.